AL014134 1/4” x 1-3/4” 0 0 200 1.200 8423533711243 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,2" SW - Installation key 7/16" df - Ø Element to fix 5/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 5 hnom - Min. anchor depth 1,19" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 1 1/2" d0 - Ø Drill 1/4" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 2" L - Lenght 1-3/4” AL014214 1/4” x 2-1/4” 0 0 200 1.200 8423533711250 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,2" SW - Installation key 7/16" df - Ø Element to fix 5/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 5 hnom - Min. anchor depth 1,69" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2" d0 - Ø Drill 1/4" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 4" L - Lenght 2-1/4” AL014300 1/4” x 3” 0 0 200 1.200 8423533776600 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,9" SW - Installation key 7/16" df - Ø Element to fix 5/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 5 hnom - Min. anchor depth 1,69" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2" d0 - Ø Drill 1/4" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 4" L - Lenght 3” AL014314 1/4” x 3-1/4” 0 0 200 800 8423533711267 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 1,2" SW - Installation key 7/16" df - Ø Element to fix 5/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 5 hnom - Min. anchor depth 1,69" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2" d0 - Ø Drill 1/4" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 4" L - Lenght 3-1/4” AL516200 5/16” x 2” 0 0 100 800 8423533711274 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,23" SW - Installation key 8/16" df - Ø Element to fix 3/8" Tins - Torque (Nm) 14 hnom - Min. anchor depth 1,31" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 1 13/16" d0 - Ø Drill 5/16" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 2 1/8" L - Lenght 2” AL516234 5/16” x 2-3/4” 0 0 100 600 8423533776617 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,3" SW - Installation key 8/16" df - Ø Element to fix 3/8" Tins - Torque (Nm) 14 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2 1/2" d0 - Ø Drill 5/16" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 4" L - Lenght 2-3/4” AL516312 5/16” x 3-1/2” 0 0 100 600 8423533711281 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 1,1" SW - Installation key 8/16" df - Ø Element to fix 3/8" Tins - Torque (Nm) 14 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2 1/2" d0 - Ø Drill 5/16" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 4" L - Lenght 3-1/2” AL516500 5/16" x 5" 0 0 100 400 8423533402219 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 2,5" SW - Installation key 8/16" df - Ø Element to fix 3/8" Tins - Torque (Nm) 14 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2 1/2" d0 - Ø Drill 5/16" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 4" L - Lenght 5" AL038214 3/8” x 2-1/4” 0 0 100 600 8423533711298 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,71" SW - Installation key 9/16" df - Ø Element to fix 7/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 27 hnom - Min. anchor depth 1,53" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2" d0 - Ø Drill 3/8" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 2 1/2" L - Lenght 2-1/4” AL038234 3/8” x 2-3/4” 0 0 100 600 8423533400604 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 1,21" SW - Installation key 9/16" df - Ø Element to fix 7/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 27 hnom - Min. anchor depth 1,53" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2" d0 - Ø Drill 3/8" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 2 1/2" L - Lenght 2-3/4” AL038300 3/8” x 3” 0 0 100 400 8423533711304 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,3" SW - Installation key 9/16" df - Ø Element to fix 7/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 27 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2,28" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2 3/4" d0 - Ø Drill 3/8" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 4" L - Lenght 3” AL038312 3/8” x 3-1/2” 0 0 100 400 8423533758774 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,8" SW - Installation key 9/16" df - Ø Element to fix 7/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 27 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2,28" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2 3/4" d0 - Ø Drill 3/8" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 4" L - Lenght 3-1/2” AL038334 3/8” x 3-3/4” 0 0 100 400 8423533711311 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,9" SW - Installation key 9/16" df - Ø Element to fix 7/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 27 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2,28" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2 3/4" d0 - Ø Drill 3/8" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 4" L - Lenght 3-3/4” AL038500 3/8” x 5” 0 0 50 200 8423533711328 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 2,2" SW - Installation key 9/16" df - Ø Element to fix 7/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 27 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2,28" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2 3/4" d0 - Ø Drill 3/8" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 4" L - Lenght 5” AL012234 1/2” x 2-3/4” 0 0 50 200 8423533711342 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,27" SW - Installation key 3/4" df - Ø Element to fix 9/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 54 hnom - Min. anchor depth 1,84" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2 1/4" d0 - Ø Drill 1/2" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 3" L - Lenght 2-3/4” AL012300 1/2” x 3” 0 0 50 200 8423533749529 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 1,02" SW - Installation key 3/4" df - Ø Element to fix 9/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 54 hnom - Min. anchor depth 1,84" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2 1/4" d0 - Ø Drill 1/2" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 3" L - Lenght 3” AL012312 1/2" x 3-1/2" 0 0 50 200 8423533795434 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 1,52" SW - Installation key 3/4" df - Ø Element to fix 9/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 54 hnom - Min. anchor depth 1,84" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2 1/4" d0 - Ø Drill 1/2" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 3" L - Lenght 3-1/2" AL012334 1/2” x 3-3/4” 0 0 50 200 8423533711335 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,3" SW - Installation key 3/4" df - Ø Element to fix 9/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 54 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2,84" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 3 1/4" d0 - Ø Drill 1/2" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 5" L - Lenght 3-3/4” AL012414 1/2” x 4-1/4” 0 0 50 200 8423533749536 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,8" SW - Installation key 3/4" df - Ø Element to fix 9/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 54 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2,84" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 3 1/4" d0 - Ø Drill 1/2" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 5" L - Lenght 4-1/4” AL012412 1/2” x 4-1/2” 0 0 50 200 8423533749543 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 1,1" SW - Installation key 3/4" df - Ø Element to fix 9/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 54 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2,84" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 3 1/4" d0 - Ø Drill 1/2" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 5" L - Lenght 4-1/2” AL012512 1/2” x 5-1/2” 0 0 50 100 8423533711359 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 2,1" SW - Installation key 3/4" df - Ø Element to fix 9/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 54 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2,84" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 3 1/4" d0 - Ø Drill 1/2" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 5" L - Lenght 5-1/2” AL012700 1/2” x 7” 0 0 50 100 8423533711366 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 3,5" SW - Installation key 3/4" df - Ø Element to fix 9/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 54 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2,84" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 3 1/4" d0 - Ø Drill 1/2" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 5" L - Lenght 7” AL012100 1/2” x 10” 0 0 25 50 8423533402202 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 6,5" SW - Installation key 3/4" df - Ø Element to fix 9/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 54 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2,84" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 3 1/4" d0 - Ø Drill 1/2" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 5" L - Lenght 10” AL058312 5/8” x 3-1/2” 0 0 25 150 8423533776624 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,45" SW - Installation key 15/16" df - Ø Element to fix 11/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 108 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2,25" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 2 7/8" d0 - Ø Drill 5/8" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 3 1/2" L - Lenght 3-1/2” AL058412 5/8” x 4-1/2” 0 0 25 100 8423533711373 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,2" SW - Installation key 15/16" df - Ø Element to fix 11/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 108 hnom - Min. anchor depth 3,5" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 4 1/8" d0 - Ø Drill 5/8" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 6" L - Lenght 4-1/2” AL058500 5/8” x 5” 0 0 25 100 8423533711380 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,7" SW - Installation key 15/16" df - Ø Element to fix 11/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 108 hnom - Min. anchor depth 3,5" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 4 1/8" d0 - Ø Drill 5/8" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 6" L - Lenght 5” AL058812 5/8” x 8-1/2” 0 0 25 50 8423533776631 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 4,2" SW - Installation key 15/16" df - Ø Element to fix 11/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 108 hnom - Min. anchor depth 3,5" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 4 1/8" d0 - Ø Drill 5/8" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 6" L - Lenght 8-1/2” AL058600 5/8” x 6” 0 0 25 50 8423533711397 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 1,7" SW - Installation key 15/16" df - Ø Element to fix 11/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 108 hnom - Min. anchor depth 3,5" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 4 1/8" d0 - Ø Drill 5/8" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 6" L - Lenght 6” AL058700 5/8” x 7” 0 0 25 75 8423533711403 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 2,7" SW - Installation key 15/16" df - Ø Element to fix 11/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 108 hnom - Min. anchor depth 3,5" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 4 1/8" d0 - Ø Drill 5/8" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 6" L - Lenght 7” AL058100 5/8” x 10” 0 0 25 50 8423533402196 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 5,7" SW - Installation key 15/16" df - Ø Element to fix 11/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 108 hnom - Min. anchor depth 3,5" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 4 1/8" d0 - Ø Drill 5/8" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 6" L - Lenght 10” AL034414 3/4” x 4-1/4” 0 0 20 80 8423533711410 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,54" SW - Installation key 1 1/8" df - Ø Element to fix 13/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 149 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2,75" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 3 1/2" d0 - Ø Drill 3/4" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 4 1/2" L - Lenght 4-1/4” AL034434 3/4” x 4-3/4” 0 0 20 40 8423533776648 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 1,04" SW - Installation key 1 1/8" df - Ø Element to fix 13/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 149 hnom - Min. anchor depth 2,75" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 3 1/2" d0 - Ø Drill 3/4" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 4 1/2" L - Lenght 4-3/4” AL034512 3/4” x 5-1/2” 0 0 20 40 8423533711427 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,5" SW - Installation key 1 1/8" df - Ø Element to fix 13/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 149 hnom - Min. anchor depth 4" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 4 3/4" d0 - Ø Drill 3/4" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 7" L - Lenght 5-1/2” AL034614 3/4” x 6-1/4” 0 0 20 40 8423533776686 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 1,3" SW - Installation key 1 1/8" df - Ø Element to fix 13/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 149 hnom - Min. anchor depth 4" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 4 3/4" d0 - Ø Drill 3/4" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 7" L - Lenght 6-1/4” AL034700 3/4” x 7” 0 0 20 40 8423533749550 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 2,1" SW - Installation key 1 1/8" df - Ø Element to fix 13/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 149 hnom - Min. anchor depth 4" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 4 3/4" d0 - Ø Drill 3/4" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 7" L - Lenght 7” AL034812 3/4” x 8-1/2” 0 0 20 40 8423533711434 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 3,5" SW - Installation key 1 1/8" df - Ø Element to fix 13/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 149 hnom - Min. anchor depth 4" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 4 3/4" d0 - Ø Drill 3/4" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 7" L - Lenght 8-1/2” AL034100 3/4” x 10” 0 0 20 40 8423533711441 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 5,1" SW - Installation key 1 1/8" df - Ø Element to fix 13/16" Tins - Torque (Nm) 149 hnom - Min. anchor depth 4" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 4 3/4" d0 - Ø Drill 3/4" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 7" L - Lenght 10” AL100600 1” x 6” 0 0 10 40 8423533770318 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 0,51" SW - Installation key 1 1/2" df - Ø Element to fix 1 1/8" Tins - Torque (Nm) 250 hnom - Min. anchor depth 4,18" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 5 1/4" d0 - Ø Drill 1" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 6 1/2" L - Lenght 6" AL100900 1" x 9” 0 0 10 20 8423533770325 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 2,2" SW - Installation key 1 1/2" df - Ø Element to fix 1 1/8" Tins - Torque (Nm) 250 hnom - Min. anchor depth 5,43" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 6 1/2" d0 - Ø Drill 1" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 9" L - Lenght 9" AL101200 1” x 12” 0 0 10 20 8423533770332 tfix - Max. fixture thickness 5,2" SW - Installation key 1 1/2" df - Ø Element to fix 1 1/8" Tins - Torque (Nm) 250 hnom - Min. anchor depth 5,43" h1 - Drill hole depth min. 6 1/2" d0 - Ø Drill 1" hmin - Min. substrate thickness 9" L - Lenght 12"