a perfect fixing for your business


Abraçadeiras em nylon. Preto

Aprovações e certificados

CÓDIGOMEDIDAUni. vendas mín.Pcs. x baldeUds CaixaUds/BlisterUds. MasterboxBlisters/Caixa BLEANInfo. Técnica
BN250802,5 x 80001001.0008423533203120
BN251002,5 x 100001001.0008423533203229
BN251402,5 x 140001001.0008423533203328
BN251602,5 x 160001001.0008423533203427
BN252002,5 x 200001001.0008423533203526
BN361403,6 x 140001001.0008423533203601
BN362003,6 x 200001001.0008423533203700
BN362503,6 x 250001001.0008423533849236
BN363003,6 x 300001001.0008423533203823
BN363703,6 x 370001001.0008423533203908
BN481204,8 x 120001001.0008423533204028
BN481604,8 x 160001001.0008423533204127
BN481804,8 x 180001001.0008423533204226
BN482004,8 x 200001001.0008423533204301
BN482504,8 x 250001001.0008423533246202
BN482904,8 x 290001001.0008423533204400
BN483704,8 x 370001001.0008423533204523
BN484304,8 x 430001001.0008423533204707
BN761507,6 x 150001001.0008423533246301
BN762007,6 x 200001001.0008423533204929
BN762907,6 x 290001001.0008423533205124
BN763707,6 x 370001001.0008423533205223
BN764507,6 x 450001001.0008423533205322
BN765407,6 x 540001001.0008423533205421
BN767507,6 x 750001001.0008423533907745
BN887708,8 x 77000501.0008423533205629
BN889208,8 x 92000505008423533907752
BN881228,8 x 122000505008423533907769
BN1222512,5 x 22500505008423533081940
BN1250012,5 x 50000505008423533205803
BN1272012,5 x 72000505008423533205902
BN1285012,5 x 85000505008423533206008
BN1210012,5 x 100000505008423533206107
BZBN251002,5 x 10002020208423533426130
BZBN362003,6 x 20002020208423533426178
BZBN482904,8 x 29001010158423533426215

As abraçadeiras de Nylon® brancas e pretas de dentado interior são muito versáteis, uma vez que servem para inúmeros usos em múltiplos setores. Estão disponíveis numa ampla variedade de tamanhos, permitindo uma fixação ideal do elemento a fixar, sejam conjuntos de cabos, tubos e/ou mangueiras.

As abraçadeiras pretas, fabricadas com poliamida e aditivo preto, dispõem de uma maior resistência à radiação ultravioleta, sendo adequadas para aplicações externas. As abraçadeiras brancas (naturais) são indicadas para aplicações internas.

São ideais para uso em instalações em que seja necessária alta resistência a álcalis, óleos, massas lubrificantes, derivados de óleo ou dissolventes clorados. Inversamente, têm uma resistência limitada a ácidos e não são resistentes a fenóis.


  • Instalação rápida e simples O design ergonómico da extremidade flexível da abraçadeira facilita uma introdução fácil e suave.
  • Altos desempenhos O desenho da cabeça garante uma alta resistência à tração e um forte tensionamento.Até 122,3 Kg* de carga de rutura conforme EN 50146. *Em abraçadeira com largura de 12 mm.
  • Dentado interior O design do dentado interior assegura um ótimo ajuste da braçadeira sem danificar o objeto a fixar.
  • Máxima qualidade e garantias A qualidade das abraçadeiras INDEX está garantida com os mais elevados padrões de qualidade, graças à sua certificação nos termos da norma UNE-EN 62275, que permite a marcação CE, e com a homologação UL.
  • Grampo de flange
  • Cabo de mangueira
  • Sinais
  • Edifício de betão em construção
  • Suporte de tecto
  • Estandartes
  • Caixote do lixo
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TÉCNICAS EXPANSIVAS S.L. informs that the personal data provided voluntarily on this website will be processed and incorporated into the corresponding files, responsibility of TÉCNICAS EXPANSIVAS S.L, is reported at the time of personal data collection, although, according to the specific case, its purpose may be any of the following: attention to your referred request, complaint or question, established relationship maintenance, comprehensive and commercial customer management, accounting and billing or sending communications, including electronic media, news and activities related to TÉCNICAS EXPANSIVAS S.L.

The data in our files are strictly confidential and shall be treated with the utmost confidentiality and shall comply with all the requirements provided for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016.

According to Data Protection legislation, you are strongly advised not to send high-level personal data, such as those relating to health, as they are not encoded or encrypted. Should these details be sent, it is done so under your sole responsibility.

The user may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016 by sending a letter together with a photocopy of your ID, to P.I. La Portalada II | c/ Segador 13, 26006 | Logroño (La Rioja).
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Fixações metálicas
Buchas químicas
Fixações plásticas
Fixações e acessórios para sistemas de isolamento térmico (ETICS)
Fixações para materiais ocos
Acessórios para cabos correntes e vedações
Acessórios para vinhedo gradeado
Fixações e acessórios para placa de gesso
Fixação direta
Parafusos para telhados e fachadas
Parafusos broca, rosca chapa e PVC
Parafusos para madeira
Escápulas, pitões/camarões e pontas
Conetores para madeira
Parafusos normalizados
Brocas, pontas e acessórios
Abraçadeiras metálicas pesadas
Abraçadeiras metálicas leves
Sistemas de proteção contra incêndios
Suportes de caleira
Abraçadeiras plásticas
Perfis e suportes
Sistemas de instalação e fixações para painéis solares
Sistemas de fixação rápida a viga
Varão roscado e acessórios de fixação
Fixação para sanitários e climatização


O nosso departamento de engenharia coloca à sua disposição formações específicas e personalizadas nos diferentes temas relacionados com o mundo da fixação: fixações metálicas ou químicas, sistemas de instalação, normas, realização de cálculos…

TÉCNICAS EXPANSIVAS S.L. informs that the personal data provided voluntarily on this website will be processed and incorporated into the corresponding files, responsibility of TÉCNICAS EXPANSIVAS S.L, is reported at the time of personal data collection, although, according to the specific case, its purpose may be any of the following: attention to your referred request, complaint or question, established relationship maintenance, comprehensive and commercial customer management, accounting and billing or sending communications, including electronic media, news and activities related to TÉCNICAS EXPANSIVAS S.L.

The data in our files are strictly confidential and shall be treated with the utmost confidentiality and shall comply with all the requirements provided for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016.

According to Data Protection legislation, you are strongly advised not to send high-level personal data, such as those relating to health, as they are not encoded or encrypted. Should these details be sent, it is done so under your sole responsibility.

The user may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016 by sending a letter together with a photocopy of your ID, to P.I. La Portalada II | c/ Segador 13, 26006 | Logroño (La Rioja).
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O nosso departamento de engenharia coloca à sua disposição formações específicas e personalizadas nos diferentes temas relacionados com o mundo da fixação: fixações metálicas ou químicas, sistemas de instalação, normas, realização de cálculos…

TÉCNICAS EXPANSIVAS S.L. informs that the personal data provided voluntarily on this website will be processed and incorporated into the corresponding files, responsibility of TÉCNICAS EXPANSIVAS S.L, is reported at the time of personal data collection, although, according to the specific case, its purpose may be any of the following: attention to your referred request, complaint or question, established relationship maintenance, comprehensive and commercial customer management, accounting and billing or sending communications, including electronic media, news and activities related to TÉCNICAS EXPANSIVAS S.L.

The data in our files are strictly confidential and shall be treated with the utmost confidentiality and shall comply with all the requirements provided for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016.

According to Data Protection legislation, you are strongly advised not to send high-level personal data, such as those relating to health, as they are not encoded or encrypted. Should these details be sent, it is done so under your sole responsibility.

The user may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016 by sending a letter together with a photocopy of your ID, to P.I. La Portalada II | c/ Segador 13, 26006 | Logroño (La Rioja).
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TÉCNICAS EXPANSIVAS S.L. informs that the personal data provided voluntarily on this website will be processed and incorporated into the corresponding files, responsibility of TÉCNICAS EXPANSIVAS S.L, is reported at the time of personal data collection, although, according to the specific case, its purpose may be any of the following: attention to your referred request, complaint or question, established relationship maintenance, comprehensive and commercial customer management, accounting and billing or sending communications, including electronic media, news and activities related to TÉCNICAS EXPANSIVAS S.L.

The data in our files are strictly confidential and shall be treated with the utmost confidentiality and shall comply with all the requirements provided for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016.

According to Data Protection legislation, you are strongly advised not to send high-level personal data, such as those relating to health, as they are not encoded or encrypted. Should these details be sent, it is done so under your sole responsibility.

The user may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016 by sending a letter together with a photocopy of your ID, to P.I. La Portalada II | c/ Segador 13, 26006 | Logroño (La Rioja).
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