The TNUX anchor is a plastic anchor that is inserted through the material to be fixed.
This anchor comes with the plug and its corresponding screw. This way, we guarantee that the length of the screw, its diameter and the geometry of the thread are suitable for the correct expansion of the plastic element, ensuring the performance of this fixing established in the approved ETA 14/0467 standard.
The following images show the anchor installed correctly, inserted through the material to be fixed:

The installation steps are as follows:

The main advantages of this type of installation compared to the traditional type of installation (that is, placing the plug on the base material and then positioning the piece to be fixed) are the following:
- When threading the screw, the plug + screw assembly apply pressure between the part to be fixed and the base material.
- The length of the screw guarantees the full expansion of the plug, since the screw is about 5 mm longer than the plug, an area that corresponds to the conical tip of the screw, which guarantees its optimal expansion and performance.
- The plug flange, given that it´s in contact with the part to be fixed, prevents the screw from coming into contact with the part to be fixed. In some cases, it can be useful to use the TFUX version with a wide flange to avoid possible cases of contact corrosion or prevent the plug from slipping when blows are applied during installation.
- This prevents the coating or paint of the part to be fixed from being damaged when the head of the screw comes into contact with the part to be fixed at the end of the installation process, since the screw sits directly on the flange of the plastic plug without damaging the base material.
Latest revision: FAQ24 rev0